Why to wait?

Real-life waiting is hard, and waiting in tests is not an exception. I guess all of us had difficult times, when one test failed just because we forgot about waits. Most of the test engineers use explicit waits in Selenium and similar frameworks and well-aware of their advantages over usual Thread.sleep().

Waiting is an essential technique to build fast, reliable and efficient automation in your projects. UiAutomator is no different. But it could be hard to understand how to use waits with Google’s UI test tool, because of lack of documentation on the Internet. I’ll try to share easy and straightforward approach to waiting for conditions with new classes, introduced in UiAutomator2.

If you’re new to UiAutomator, I recommend to read my article on UiAutomator Essentials first, where I introduced framework’s main classes and API.


Wait methods in UiAutomator look like wait(Condition condition, long timeout) and are used for, well, waiting for conditions to be fulfilled during given timeout.

Common conditions

Most common conditions which might come in handy in every day automation are conveniently gathered in one utility class - Until. One can found three actual types of conditions there:

  • SearchCondition - a condition which is satisfied by searching for some element by specified selector
    // until element is available
    SearchCondition<UiObject2> isAvailable =
    // until element is gone
    SearchCondition<Boolean> isGone =
  • UiObject2Condition - condition which is satisfied when UiObject2 is in particular state or has specific attribute
    // until element is focused
    UiObject2Condition<Boolean> isFocused =
    // until element's text contains
    UiObject2Condition<Boolean> textContains =
  • EventCondition - condition which depends on event or series of event which should occur before given timeout expire
    // until new window appears in the app
    EventCondition<Boolean> newWindowAppears =
    // until previous scroll is finished
    EventCondition<Boolean> isScrollFinished =   

Building your own conditions

Of course you can build your own conditions if you feel like basic ones are not enough for your. All you need to do is to implement needed interface. For example, here is how I implemented condition which will be fulfilled if resource id of element starts with some prefix:

// Condition will be satisfied if given element
// has specified count of children
public static UiObject2Condition<Boolean> hasChildren(final int childCount) {
        return new UiObject2Condition<Boolean>() {
            boolean apply(UiObject2 object) {
                return object.getChildCount() == childCount;

Using waits

There are only two classes in UiAutomator which are able to utilize Condition - UiDevice and UiObject2.

  • UiDevice, similarly to Selenium’s WebDriver, represents Android device itself and with its help you can wait for elements or events
    UiDevice device = UiDevice.getInstance(
    UiObject2 element = device.wait(Until
         .findObject(By.text("foo"), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)));
  • UiObject2 represents UI element in app hierarchy and will allow you to wait for its or its attributes’ changes. It’s similar to Selenium’s WebElement.
    UiObject2 element = driver.findElement(By.res("foo"));

UiObject and UiObject2 are two different classes. Unlike first version UiObject2 can be used even if underlying view object is terminated. If you’re using UiAutomator2, I advice you to use only the second version since all the new APIs support it.

In the given examples UiAutomator will wait for some condition to be satisfied during DEFAULT_TIMEOUT of type Long. It will poll every 1 second and check if condition is equal to true. For now polling time is a constant and can not be changed, but hopefully Google team will change that in future releases. If condition is not satisfied during the timeout, the element will be equal to null.

Basically that’s all you need to know to start using waits in UiAutomator. In the next article I explained where you can utilize them in your framework building successful Android automation.

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